Raymond Sol
Tai Chi Instructor

Night Train To Paris



It was a dark and stormy night . . .


Then the compartment door slid open, and she stepped in quickly.


The dim light from the hallway only partially outlined her as she sat down near the door.


Inside, the compartment was dark except for the few streaks of dim light coming through the door shades.  As the train rolled down the tracks and into the night, the thin streaks of light from the hallway danced across the curves of her body.


Mark couldn’t quite see her face, because he was lying on his side facing the door.


“Damn,” she said.


“Excuse me.” Mark said, looking up. “Is there a problem?”


“What?” she said, looking in his direction.


“Oh, no problem, I’m just looking for a place to sleep, and all the other first class compartments are full.  I’m just so tired, I don’t know where to go,” she added.


“Sorry I have the two seats near the window.”  Mark said, as she peeked under the shade, looking both ways down the train hallway.


“Look, can I join you please?”  She asked.


“Well, ah . . . I don’t know, I mean, ah, well it’s a little tight, and I . . .” He mumbled.


She was already moving towards him, taking off her trench coat.  “I’ll just use this as my cover,” she said.  Silhouetted against the compartment door shades, Mark could not even make out what she looked like.


“Well . . ., OK” He said.


Then without another word, she slipped out of her blouse, removed her bra, slipped onto the seats facing Mark, and pulled her trench coat partly up her bare back.


“Holy shit, does she smell great.” Mark remembers thinking.  “Lily-of-the-Valley,” he thought to himself.  “I think I will always remember that perfume.”


Mark put his right arm around her bare back, and she snuggled closer to him.  Then they started kissing.


“You check this one,” a voice said as the compartment door opened, and light came glowing into the compartment.


“Jesus Christ!”  Mark said, as his head came up and he looked at the person standing in the doorway.


“Oops, sorry buddy, didn’t mean to disturb you and your lady.”  Then he closed the compartment door and continued down the train hallway to the next compartment.  “Didn’t have light colored hair,” Mark thought he heard him say to his friends, as he slid open the next compartment door.  “Oops,” came the same comment, followed by the same apologies, as their voices faded down the hallway.


Then she kissed Mark lightly on the cheek, and said, “Good night, wake me when we get to Paris.”


Good night! Stormy night! “What the hell kind of night will this be?” Mark thought to himself, “Who can think about anything lying next to a half nude woman . . .”